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Onlignment 4 Week/Self-Paced Program

  • 28 Steps


Devotion to nourishing alignment to your power, wellbeing & dreams. Everything changes when you change. When you are in alignment, your body makes relative genetic changes and creates a new internal order, improving overall health and happiness. The autonomic nervous system becomes coherent, improving the brain functions and causing us to feel more creative and focused. This expands from your internal experience, to the external experiences and opportunities that you attract, and the rest of your life flows more fluidly. Energy flows where attention goes. This program was designed to invite your attention on an array of different HEALthy techniques that can be used for the rest of your life to cultivate alignment. It's when our mind, body, and spirit are in alignment that we can think clearly, release separation, exist in the eternal present moment, and work toward showing up as the highest version of yourself. ​Everything offered in this program is an act of self-love. To show up on your mat, to oxygenate the body, to expand your foundation of knowledge, to cultivate healthy habits, and to practice presence and mindfulness... these are all acts of self-love. I would like to thank you for investing in yourself by investing in this program, and showing up for yourself in this way. Each week includes various Alignment techniques in the form of: 1 x Mindfulness Technique 1 x Yoga Flow  2 x Posture Alignment 1 x Breathwork Practice 1 x Rewire Method Feel free to follow the days as outlined for you, or at your own pace. There is no pressure to complete this program in 4-weeks. Maybe that’s how long it takes you to get through the first week. Honor that, honor your flow, You have lifetime access to this information, and it is designed to meet your exactly where you’re at. And wherever that is, and however short/long it takes, literally doesn’t matter, and is perfect. And you’re perfect. And exactly where you’re supposed to be.  I hope you enjoy. With love, Chrystee

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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