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Meet the Founder

Purposeful Practices is Founded by Christina Brinegar, a Certified 200 Hour Yoga Teacher from Doron Yoga, a Yoga Alliance accredited Teacher Training program in Guatemala. She is currently traveling Central and South America, bringing her Virtual Students along with her. Right now, she is teaching from Guatemala. 

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My Story

I worked your typical 8-5 desk job, drove home in traffic, and scrambled to cook, clean, run errands, maintain a social life, work out, take care of my mental health, and prepare for the next day, in the 4-5-hour window between arriving home and going to bed to be rested enough for the next day. And I did it all over again the next day, day in and day out, never feeling like there was enough time and my body being in a constant state of go-go-go.


In March 2020, the world was forced to slow down, and each and every one of us along with it. With this slowing down, the awareness of mental health rose. This allowed me to reflect on and strengthen my own mental health practices, and the moments of calmness and stillness rippled into my life, my clarity of thinking, my work, and everything in between. Thus, inspiring me to share this information to busy 8-5ers trying to balance their own mental health, but struggling to make the time. 


I passionately created Purposeful Practices with the intention to help remote and hybrid companies develop their Health and Wellness Programs to support their teams' mental wellbeing. I am grateful to collaborate with global companies in industries like investment banking, software development, and more, with the intention to dedicate 30-90 minutes/week to techniques that alleviate stress, depression, anxiety, inability to concentrate, and more. 


It's an honor to share the techniques that have nourished more peace and balance in my own world. I share the techniques in 30-minute segments, in the form of Stretching, Breathwork, Meditation, Mindfulness Practices, and more, and the information lasts a lifetime. 


I'm passionate about developing health and wellness plans for remote and hybrid companies.

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